Christchurch Armageddon is on the way!


That Time again.


Tea break. 2013 show.



From the new edition of Digital Butterfly 1




Can’t believe it’s that time again! This time, no horse pee. This year the show is out of the stables and into Horncastle arena. March 7th and 8th.

There will be both current issues of my Comics series, Digital Butterfly available in new(ish.) editions.

I will be there with a table again (Table 36) selling my stuff and sketching it up for you folks. This is my favourite part of doing the show. It always amuses me that people like to watch me draw at the tables but think they are somehow disturbing me while I do it. The truth is that I don’t mind at all. It’s all apart of the show.


Hard at work.

In Auckland last year I got all sorts of sketch requests. There were the usual Anime characters, but I also got this:

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Zombie Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn. Another sketch request was:20141026_111433

Ninja turtle with a beard.  What they hey! You want ’em. I drew ’em.


My table at 2014 Christchurch Armageddon.


A typical collection of Sketches for sale.


All the people!






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